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Marriage of Joy and Sorrow

Many people have a misconception that the spiritual path is about nothing other than always feeling good, of only having “positive” experiences, of never allowing our anger to show. This is simply not the case. The spiritual path is about not identifying with that anger, sorrow, joy, or other form of suffering. These are emotions […]

Vigilance in Spiritual Practice

It is extremely possible to establish a way of life that is conducive to being spiritual, mindful, and compassionate in our daily lives. However, this requires vigilance. We must make spirituality, mindfulness, and awareness our priorities so that we are not otherwise distracted by everything that samsara throws at us. This world of form can […]

Empty Thoughts

One of the primary teachings in Buddhism is that our thoughts are integral in the generation of our realities. Our experienced reality is largely shaped by what we think and how we perceive the world. Each one of us sees things differently from the other and these different way of thinking are not intrinsically “good” […]

The Prison of Limiting Beliefs

Changes in one’s train of thought produce corresponding changes in one’s conception of the external world…. As a thing is viewed, so it appears.  To see things as a multiplicity, and so to cleave unto separateness, is to err.  –Padmasambhava We could have just about anything we want if something wasn’t blocking us. Many of […]

The Joy of Mindfullness

Mindfulness is an ancient idea that stems from India’s wisdom traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism. It really began making its way to the West in the 60s. Its popularity has grown so voraciously that today it is an almost unavoidable concept. It can be see on magazine covers, books, TV, it is being taught in places such as schools, the […]

Yoga: Beauty, Power, and Life

When the word yoga is mentioned, most of us in the West think of a physical and mental exercise wherein the practitioner places his or her body in a series of poses (asana) while controlling the breath and focusing the mind. This type of yoga is known as hatha yoga (properly pronounced as haata). Studios that teach various […]

Universal Showers

The totality of reality seeks to shower you with experience. All experience –“good” or “bad”. They’re the same. It’s your perception which distorts them to be “positive” or negative”. You, yourself are this totality. Nothing more. Nothing less. And this totality seeks to know itself through you and the eternal, sublime dance of experience. Relinquish […]


The subject of religion is taboo for many people to speak about, however, it utterly fascinates me. Religion is perhaps one of the most powerful and influential forces throughout history. It has taken us to the heights of our sublime and beautiful feats and to the depths of our most despicable and gruesome acts. In […]

Musing On Now

We run from now, never living now, hoping that tomorrow will contain something that now does not. We vow that then, tomorrow, when we are whole and complete, we will then truly begin to live. In our minds, tomorrow will have everything now does not. In reality, tomorrow never happens.

What is Practical Spirituality?

I will discuss a range of topics on this site and many of them I would consider refer to “practical spirituality”. What I mean by practical spirituality is getting in touch with your spirit and higher power, or what I refer to as “awareness” or “consciousness” without dogma, regardless of your religion or spiritual path. […]